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Sunday, January 11, 2009 @ 2:00 AM
134. full circle everything goes

Relink! At http://pleincercle.wordpress.com!! New blog, will still be updating this blog, though. Once in awhile!

So, you can either tag here or comment on my WordPress.

Or you can choose not to do both...

Signing off,

Sunday, January 4, 2009 @ 2:08 AM
133. why do i have to

It's so hard, but I guess I have to do something. There are only two ways I can go. And it's not an easy choice. I really don't think I'm the sort who will give up my beliefs so easily, but with so many internal and external factors, I guess I'm on the verge of a decision. I really wish I knew which is the better choice to be made. But in the end, everything happens for a reason, yeah? We take different roads, but we all end up in the place we were meant to end up in.

Why does it feel like the old problems are re-emerging again?

Guess I'd need lots of help this time, directly or indirectly.

For now... smile! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D (this feels stupid.)

Anyways, creating a new blog soon, so goodbye!

Thursday, January 1, 2009 @ 8:12 PM
131. resolutions

Happy New Year, it's 2009! The year has started on a real bad note, a homework-rushing note. I'd have to go pack my bag soon. And i heard we won't have lessons tomorrow. I've completed all my homework other than the memorising of Chinese idioms. I hope I can make up for that during the weekends.

New year, means new year resolutions. Let's hope I stick to them this year:

1. Pay attention in every class
2. Complete every piece of homework assigned
3. Improve in Chinese
4. Top 15 in cohort
5. Work harder in CCAs

Seems like everything I think of is academical-wise.

6. Stick to my resolutions

I need more resolutions like... read __ number of books in the year. But I haven't thought of a number yet. Oh well...

I can't believe for the first time, this thought came to my mind. It's a thought that is scary, and I don't know if that thought would be executed into action. There will come a time where I have to decide.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 @ 8:48 PM
130. 2008-2009 the transition


Cheers to the end of 2008, and to the start of 2009. Seems like much has happened to the world in 2008. Wonder if 2009 will be packed with so much action! And on a smaller scale, 2008 has been one of the best yet worst years ever, to me. Hope 2009 will end up a better year, and I think it would. Time really seem to pass too quickly, about a year ago (which seemed like yesterday) I was having trouble adjusting writing my date "2007" to "2008", and it seems like now I have to start getting used to writing "2009" on my dates.

It's been a real great year...

So, well, have a great great new year's eve.

Monday, December 29, 2008 @ 7:26 PM
129. another of those quizzes

Saw this on Nicholas Wong's blog, so I just decided to do it! :D

1)Last night, did you go to sleep happy?
I guess not.

2)When was the last time you changed clothes in front of someone?
Years ago, I think?

3)Anyone told you a secret this week?
The week just started, so, not yet.

4) Did you have a good day yesterday?
Sunday? Not really. Other than seeing the traffic totally jam due to a bus failing to operate on a one-way lane, and jamming every other vehicle (including buses) behind, no.

5) What was the highlight of today?
Choir Christmas Party, Swensens.

6) Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
Every night, and they're always on Silent.

7) What happened at 3:00am today?
The wind blew the leaves above the ground.

8) When was the last time you took a picture with your number 1 friend?
One year ago. Haha.

10) Do you hate anyone?
Umm, not really 'hate'. Dislike?

(By the way there's no question 9!)

11) Do they know who they are?
They are... my imaginary friends lurking behind the fragments of my illusion?

12) What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
White bread, yeah.

13) When did you last cry?
Weeks or a month ago.

14) Have you ever collapsed on the bathroom floor?
Almost did.

15) Do you have a good relationship with your mother?
Yes, but could be better.

16) Are you slowly distancing from someone you like/love?
Who knows? Yes?

17) When was the last time you bought something?
I bought lunch today too!

18) Have you ever told someone you love them?
Have you?

19) Do you continue fighting in an argument even though you know you're wrong?
Nah, I don't think so. Or at least I don't realise it.

(Look! There's no question 20 too!)

21) What do you want in your life right now?
Much to be wanted. But let's stick to reality.

22) Is there anyone that calls you baby?

23) In the next 4 months what are you looking forward to the most?
School and CCA.

24) Why?
Because... (ponders forever)

25) Who were the last 5 people who texted you?
Nicholas Foo, Guang Han, Sherry, Peiyan, Samuel. Weird.

26) What are you thinking of right now?
The Little Nyonya.

27) Have you ever been tanning?
I'm tan. I think.

28) Have you ever sat and waited for someone to come online?
Yeah, hundreds of times.

29) When was the last time you laughed so hard you thought you were going to cry?
How'd I remember, but many times.

30) Have any crazy family members?
I don't think so. Other than I?

31) Did you tell someone something today?
Oh yeah, it goes..."Hey, let me tell you something..."

32) Do you wear Crocs?

33) Have you ever considered a sex change?
Uhh, nope.

34) What will you buy next?
To Kill A Mockingbird.

35) What's on your mind right now?
Ending this quiz, and watching The Little Nyonya which is commencing in just 11 minutes! :D

Oh man, what a crazy quiz. Anyways I'm soon going to watch The Little Nyonya which is, well, as mentioned commencing in 11 (now 10!) minutes! Two-hour special today! And this was crazy. My family usually purchases Vitagen from an auntie that comes to our house every Monday. But she didn't come last Monday. She just came. And she said that she did not come because The Little Nyonya was starting, and she didn't want to miss the show. And she quickly left now because the show is starting soon (now 8 minutes)!

And my homework meter's finally hit 60%! I have only left... half of biology, nine tenths of physics, and a quarter of history. Disregarding Chinese, it's a feat! I wanna complete the homework by Wednesday. So at least I have Thursday to slack before school reopens Friday. The busy school times are returning, for the good or for the worse. But I bet they'll be fun. And my nights will be easier to fall asleep. Sec Two next year. Can't afford to procrastinate (although I still am and will.)

There isn't anything else to blog, so, goodbye! The show's starting soon!

Sunday, December 28, 2008 @ 12:20 AM
128. the stars are tellin' you no

Today, I went to Compass Point. Initially thinking that there was piano lessons, and soon after finding out that there wasn't at all. However, it wasn't a wasted trip there. The Little Nyonya came to Compass Point? So, my brother, mum and I decided to wait and stay. You could say it was the biggest crowd in a shopping centre! Escalators were specially (?) made not to function so people could stand on them and watch the cast!? Saw many people I knew there too... No, not the cast, I mean schoolmates, and ex-schoolmates.

Oh, after that went to my Grandmother's house. Oh man, young children sure have a lot of energy. They can play with a stupid balloon for hours and not feel tired. And the worst thing is I had to join in! And you can't talk bad about young children (3 years old) in front of them, because they can understand you. So I had to employ the usage of more advanced English when conversing with my brother so they wouldn't be able to understand!

Unbelievably, my homework meter has risen to a 53%. The first rise seen since Christmas Eve! This was due to me (finally) choosing a topic for history after years and years of deliberation. (And this sounds totally like a report of the stock markets.) But it's worth celebrating! Homework meter must reach 80% (at least!) by Thursday night (and, no, not midnight)!

Still haven't got my To Kill A Mockingbird yet! All Populars seem to be out of stock of that book. And the school bookshop seem to have lied to me about not having the book. Or maybe I'm just that unlucky.

Won't blog more now! C'ya!

Friday, December 26, 2008 @ 10:37 PM
127. brilliance of a destruction

Christmas is gone! But there's twelve days, right?

Homework is really really not touched since days ago. Have much to be completed before school reopens Friday, which is so soon. Am yearning for school to return, yet not wanting to return to a kind of busier life.

The whole holiday seemed like a really crazy long break from the long months in school. It feels as if everything just slowed down. And when I think of school next year, it feels as if this holiday feeling is never coming back again. (This paragraph is full of crap, ignore.)

Oh man, Christmas was fun. Probably. Gifts from my parents were, well, the best. Well, expensive but, I think now I have a very guilty feeling why they bought such an expensive gift for me and I have to work extra extra hard in Sec 2 before I can repay this debt.

Brilliance doesn't taste good when served with destruction. But sometimes, that's all you've got. Weird conversations today, but never mind.

Won't say much more! Goodbye!